Nourishing Athletes,
Teams and entire communities

Our sponsorships


We’ve grown nationally since 1922, but we’re still Arizona’s hometown dairy.

That’s why we’re proud that Shamrock Farms is the official milk
of the Arizona Wildcats and the Arizona State Sun Devils.
We fuel the athletes that inspire the local community and promote a healthy lifestyle.

Creating a wider impact

We contribute 80,000 pounds of food to Arizona food banks every month, including the fresh milk that families need but is difficult for organizations to source and store.


Nearly one in four children, one in five Arizonans and one in seven seniors live in poverty and go to bed hungry.

Arizona ranks fifth in the country for child food insecurity, with over 400,000 children facing hunger every day.

More than 40% of households that receive emergency food assistance have at least one working member.

*Based on Feeding America’s Map the Meal Gap study of 2012

Pure, Fresh Milk

Milk gives families all the essential vitamins and nutrients they need to flourish. But food banks struggle to source perishable donations and get them to families quickly and effectively. With our help, St Mary’s Food Bank Alliance can support more Arizonians with pure, fresh milk.